Sunday, April 12, 2009

Project Economy

 I found my article, well actually it is a slideshow, on the WBAL TV website. The article is called Tips for saving money at the grocery store and is found in the project economy section of the website. Each photo contains a tip and the article has 15 photos as well as 15 tips. One tip the article gives is to make a grocery list, this saves time and also money because you have written down everything you need and don't have to rome around the isles which usually means unnecessary purchases. Also another tip I agree with and always follow is to not go to the store hungry or tired, when I go hungry I always buy more food and food that I do not need. 

Overall I agree with the article and all of the tips that are given. I might have put more reasoning behind the tips but I understand with this slideshow they were just trying to get the point across.  I feel people would read and watch this slideshow more than if this information was put into an actual article. If I only have a few minutes to read the news I usually just read the headlines but if I see a slideshow or video I always look at those first because they catch my attention. 

1 comment:

jenny atwater said...

I agree that it's an odd format for the story.