Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Audio ideas...

I have been trying to think of an interesting audio story that is about college students budgeting or how they are dealing with the current state of the economy. I have had a hard time coming up with ideas but I was thinking maybe to do a how to type of story and go through ideas on how to save money and the audio clips would be of students saying how they try to save money.

I am not sure if this idea will work and I might have to expand on the idea some but hopefully something like this will work out.


Cait said...

I like this idea. I think it would for a good audio story.

Katelyn said...

I think that sounds like a good idea. I know I would definitely be interested in hearing how other people saved money!

Daniel J. Gross said...

Good start. You could set it up just by explaining that there are a lot of different methods students use to save money, then go into the actualities.

Tam said...

This is a good idea.

jenny atwater said...

Dan's idea of having a bunch of sots with students talking about cost cutting measures is interesting, but make sure you give it context. we can talk about this--I think it could work.